Fruit Advantage Wild Blueberry delivers 425 mg per each one-a-day serving. You know your body needs antioxidants to stay healthy and strong no matter what your age. Every day, our cells wage a battle against free radicals - unstable oxygen molecules associated with the effects of aging. This daily cellular conflict is known as the Free-radical Theory of Aging and indicates the aging process is a result of the individual cells in the body accumulating increased free radical damage with the passage of time. Antioxidants assist the body in defending against free radicals. So how can you fight these harmful invaders? The answer is simple. Fruit Advantage Wild Blueberry capsules. Fruit Advantage Wild Blueberry starts with IQF (individually quick frozen) whole Wild Blueberries. Recent USDA studies show that Wild Blueberries deliver a potent antioxidant punch - in fact they have the highest antioxidant capacity per serving, compared with more than 20 other fruits. Fruit Advantage Wild Blueberry contains vital wild blueberry antioxidants and brain stimulating compounds that support a healthy lifestyle.
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